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소선생의 인생기록부
고지도3(old map) - 프톨레마이오스의 세계지도(Ptolemy's world map) 1 본문
안녕하세요. 소선생입니다. 이번엔 프톨레마이오스의 지도를 살펴보려고 합니다. 그러기 위해선 먼저 프톨레마이오스가 누구인지 살펴보아야 할 것 같습니다.
Good morning. I am teacher so. This time I want to look at the map of Ptolemy. To do that, I think we should first look at who Ptolemy is.
그는 알마게스트라는 책을썻습니다. 그 책엔 우주의 원리에대한 이론이 있었죠. 코페르니쿠스가 나중에 비판을 했었지만요.
He wrote Almagest, a book that can be called the scriptures of ancient astronomy. In this book, he insisted on a systematic way (by introducing main power) that all stars rotate around the earth. But the way it was so complicated and so intricate that Copernicus would later bring Ochem 's razor blade.
프톨레마이오스는 굉장한 수학적 지식이 뛰어났습니다. 그걸로 우주를 예측하기도하고 규칙을 만들어내기도했습니다. 알마게스트에서 그는
Ptolemy's interest was in the mathematical design of knowledge. His purpose was to explain the movement of the heavenly system mathematically, and the mathematical model so created could be used to predict astronomical events. His system was a discipline rooted in Pythagoras and Plato. Ptolemy certainly embraced the metaphysical structure created by the philosophical worldview. At Almagest, he said:
천문학자의 목표는 원운동으로 현상을 설명하는데 있다.. 라는 등의 말을합니다.
Our astronomer's goal is to demonstrate that all phenomena in heaven are created by a single circular motion ... Our astronomers have a mission to prove that the five planets and the irregularities of the sun and the moon can be expressed in a single circular motion. And since only such movements fit into the divine nature, we have the right to regard this accomplishment as the ultimate goal of mathematical science based on philosophy
고대 그리스 과학자로서 선구자일지 모르겠습니다만, 아랍학자에겐 그의 학문은 무경험적이라는 비판을 받기도 합니다.
In ancient medieval Arabs and Renaissance Europe, as an ancient scientist, he was regarded as a pioneer of science, but Ibn al-Haisham of Arabia criticized him as "fictional and theoretical" in the book "Question of Ptolemy". Unlike ancient Greece, scholars in Arabia placed great importance on experience in science.
요즘엔 연구윤리 부족이라는 비판도 많습니다. 남의 연구를 자신의 것인 듯 뺏은적도 있더군요. 달의 위치도 마음대로 조작했고요.
In modern times, I have been scolded for violating various research ethics. In his work Alma guest, he first manipulated the position of the moon, fitted it into his theory, and brought his own work to the study of Hipparcos, an astronomer of the same period.
톨레미라고 불리는경우도있는데 영어식 발음입니다. 메탈슬러그5에 나오는 톨레미도 여기서 따왔습니다.
Tollemi is an English pronunciation of Ptolemy.
The enemy of Metal Slug 5, Ptolemy, is named here. The name of the chief is Ptolemy.
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