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소선생의 인생기록부
고지도3(old map) - 프톨레마이오스의 세계지도(Ptolemy's world map) 2 본문
안녕하세요. 이번엔 인물탐구 다음으로 지도 탐구를 해보겠습니다. 흔히 우리 교과서에 올라오는 자료는 사실 15세기에 만들어진 필사본입니다. 사실은 좀 더 단순화되어있습니다.
Good morning. Next time I will explore the map. The material that often comes up in our textbooks is actually a manuscript made in the 15th century. The facts are more simplified.
그리스 로마 시대에는 지도 제작에 있어 과학적 접근이 중시되었습니다. 이에 따라 프톨레마이오스는 지구를 구형으로 인식하고 경위선망을 설정하였으며, 이 경위선망을 평면에 투영하는 방법으로 세계 지도를 제작하였습니다. 이 지도에는 지중해 연안 지역이 비교적 정확하고 상세하게 그려져 있는 반면, 아메리카와 오세아니아 등은 표현되어 있지 않습니다. 이를 통해 고대 그리스 로마인이 인식하고 있는 세계의 범위를 알 수 있습니다.
In the Greek Roman period, the scientific approach to cartography was emphasized. Ptolemy thus recognized the earth as spherical, set the envy of the environs, and produced the world map by projecting the environs into the plane. The map is relatively accurate and detailed on the Mediterranean coast, while the Americas and Oceania are not represented. This tells us the extent of the world that ancient Greeks perceive.
Ptolemy has made many achievements in the field of geography, which can be found in "geography". "Geography" is a collection of geography of the Roman Empire in the second century, based on the work of Marinos of Tire, an early geographer, and the dictionary of names of ancient Rome and Persia.
The first part of "geography" is a discussion of the materials and methods he used. He followed Marion's coordinates with all the places and terrain he knew, using a grid. From the second volume to the seventh volume he used the road (°) and set a 0 degree meridian on the 'Blessed island', which he thought was the westernmost island. He also devised a method of drawing maps of not only the province of Rome, but all the worlds (oikoumene) in which humans live. In the second part of "geography geography," he presented a list of geographical areas of the required area and the titles for the maps. His map shows 180 degrees of latitude from the blessed islands of the Atlantic Ocean to the center of China, and 80 degrees of latitude from Shetland to the east coast of Africa, which also knows about a quarter of the Earth .
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